Thursday, July 31, 2014

Not making much progress on the sock project...keep getting distracted.

The weather in Pittsburgh this summer has been so weird, it almost feels like fall is here already.  Feeling like knitting today but can't find the sock I was working on lol.  July 5th (when I started it) seems like it was so long ago.
Took it with me to work on when I went to Niagara Falls with my husband on business.  Turns out there was too many other things to do there than knit.  I don't have much experience at slot machines but decided to try my luck at the casino. The crowd seemed to be all senior citizens so I fit right in.  My husband tells me that when you double your money you should walk away....did I listen?  NO.  Anyway, I was playing this machine and it started playing music, REALLY loud.  It was REALLY noticeable at 8:30 am!  No, I didn't win a lot of money...just free games. The machine locked up and there was no button to push to start the free game, was so embarrassed because I didn't know what to do!  Should I just walk away?  Hell no....I want my free game lol.   Finally, after what seemed like forever, an employee was close by and she told me I had to choose 3 that matched from the flashing graphics at the top of the machine, to see how many free games I won. Whoever was watching the security camera probably got a good laugh.  I'm finally starting to have some fun playing the slot machines.  Is that a good thing?  As long as you break even or WIN.
Back to the distracted again blogging.  I remember getting to the interesting part of making the heel.  Have to go find it so I can make some progress.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Starflower Dishcloth from Knit Picks

The pattern for this dishcloth was fun to figure out.....think that's the reason I like to knit.   You can find it at I had some trouble with row 11 of the edging.  To get row 12 to work, I had to use 6 stitches to bind off and only knit 2 then knit 2 together.  Still have to block it.  It's too pretty to wash dishes with!

So excited to start my next project.  To give my thumb a rest I was looking for something to crochet and I found it at a local bar.  The bartender had on a lace topper that was exactly what I've been looking for.  I CAN MAKE THAT!  Here we go again......

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 CourierNewPSMT;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red51\green51\blue51;\red255\green255\blue255;\red34\green34\blue34; } \deftab720 \itap1\trowd \taflags0 \trgaph108\trleft-108 \trbrdrt\brdrnil \trbrdrl\brdrnil \trbrdrt\brdrnil \trbrdrr\brdrnil \clvertalc \clshdrawnil \clwWidth10080\clftsWidth3 \clmart10 \clmarl10 \clmarb10 \clmarr10 \clbrdrt\brdrnil \clbrdrl\brdrnil \clbrdrb\brdrnil \clbrdrr\brdrnil \clpadt100 \clpadl100 \clpadb100 \clpadr100 \gaph\cellx8640 \pard\intbl\itap1\pardeftab720\sl300\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs24 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 \uc0\u8234 \uc0\u8236 \ \uc0\u8236 \ \uc0\u8236 \ \uc0\u8236 \cell \lastrow\row}

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Rainy day....perfect for starting a new project.

It's so hard to find the time to knit and crochet now that summer is here.  There are so many things I want to try to make.  The osteoarthritis in my thumb flared up from knitting so much over the winter so taking  a little break helped it feel a little better.  I have to figuer out a way to knit without using it so much.  Crocheting doesn't bother it as much as knitting but I prefer the way a knitted project looks compared to one that is crocheted.  So I decided making something small might be a good idea.  
It's going to be a rainy day in the Burgh today so it's the perfect time to get started.
I've been following Knit Picks, they have so many unique dishcloth patterns.  Think I like the Starflower pattern at this link: Knit  It is under their free patterns.
Enough talking about it....time to knit.  I'll let you know how it turns out.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Revived....dead fish hat

My model is Edmond Marsh, my son's Cabbage Patch Kid from 1984.

Adapting the dead fish pattern from and small mouth bass pattern posted on by knittingema3, I came up with this hat that fits a little girl who is 1 1/2 years old.
The first problem I had with the pattern from was that it said to knit in stockinette st until it measured 1.5" to form the lips.  That doesn't work when your using dpn because your not turning your work.  So referring to the small mouth bass pattern, she said to knit in round.  This produced the curling you need.
The next problem, when shaping the mouth you work back and forth using W&T.  This means you bring the yarn to front of work between needles, slip next stitch back to left needle, bring yarn around this stitch to back of work, slip stitch back to left needle, turn work to begin purling in the other direction.  Anyway, when counting the # of stitches in the pattern to knit the next row, sometimes the next W&T would fall at the same spot as the previous one. Wether it was me or the pattern that was causing this, you just have to make sure you go past the previous W&T before you make the next W&T or you will get a hole.
I learned another new stitch with this pattern, SSK.  This means slip two stitches as if to knit then knit  them together.  I had to seek the help of You Tube again at to learn this one.
Thank you lady's for sharing this pattern, it was a challenge, but so cute.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Started Dead Fishy Hat...Rubber band helped keep stitches on needles

I've been wanting to make the Fish hat (dead or alive) at for a while.  Now that I can use double pointed needles it's time to give it a try.  Not too far into the project, my stitches started slipping off the needles.  It was after store hours so running to the store to buy those rubber stoppers wasn't an option.  Cutting a rubber band, poking a hole in it and slipping it on the needles worked really well. Problem solved!  But I have to remember to get some of those stoppers.  Can't wait to finish this hat, it's so cute.  I've had to modify it a little to fit a little child.  I hope it works out.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My obsession to spin husky hair into yarn......

A few years ago I had the opportunity to go to Kenai Alaska.  While there, we took a boat tour in Seward.  There was a woman on the boat that had a knitted headband made of husky hair.  She said it was so warm.  It was awesome....I had to have one.  This started my search.  I thought it would be easy to find, after all, I was in Alaska.  Kenai is far from where she said she bought it in Fairbanks.  Not being able to find one, I started to search for yarn made of husky hair.  Couldn't find that either.  So I had to leave Alaska with no headband and no yarn.
Like always when I see something I want I was obsessed with finding either a headband or yarn made of husky hair.  Spent hours searching the internet, just couldn't find what I wanted.

Then the bright idea.....why not make my own!   My friend has a husky.

Called her and asked if she would save me fur from her dog.  Found a local yarn shop that had spinning classes and signed up.  I was going to make that headband lol!
I enthusiastically showed up for class at Dyed In The Wool.  The realization then set in that "I was way out of their league".  But I was determined.  Picking out a drop spindle was a personal thing.  After trying a few I found one that felt comfortable with.

To put it bluntly...I sucked at spinning. IT'S HARD!  A few times the teacher grabbed my hands to try to show me what I should be doing.   And...who picked those colors?  Not very good at that either lol. My interest in spinning gradually faded although my desire to own a headband made of husky hair hasn't, it just isn't an obsession. This all took place a few years ago.  What made me think of this adventure in spinning again was a message from my friend that she has a bag of husky hair for me....can you imagine how big it is by now. Too funny. I've found places on the internet that will make it into yarn for you. Maybe that's what I should do. But I can't help feeling that I want to do it myself! Could I finally get my hands on a headband made of husky hair?

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Finally finished the Golf Club Covers

I think they turned out pretty good for just learning how to use Double Pointed Needles. If you want the pattern it is in my previous post.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Pattern for Knitted Golf Club Covers

It's weird how things happen.  I wanted to learn to use double pointed needles for awhile.  My sister calls me about these golf club covers she saw on the golf course in FL.  She had seen a lot of knitted covers but these were the BEST.  A woman on the hole next to her had them so she ran over and asked her where she got the pattern because her sister just started to knit again and would really like to make them lol.  She was so nice to share the pattern with her.  I don't think she would mind if I share it with you.
So...After watching many videos on YouTube, I finally found a technique I was able to use.  (The link is in a previous post)

I used 1 ball of fun fur per club cover (1/2 ball of each color for the variegated ones) 50g each
(Something I found out too late:  Not all eyelash yarn is the same length)
2 balls of Red Heart Soft yarn for sleeves. 5 oz each
The pattern calls for 4 two oz skeins.  Maybe she used sock yarn?



4-ply knitted worsted, use 2 strands for neck of club
4 two oz skein main color
1 two oz skein for each contrasting color use
(2 strands of  "Fun Fur" and  1 strand knitted worsted for head cover part)
 1 set of (4) size 6 double pointed knitting needles.

With #6 dpn and two strands of knitting worsted, cast on 32 stitches (12-8-12) for 3,5 and 7 woods.
For driver, cast on 36 stitches (12-12-12).  For utility clubs, cast on 24 stitches (8-8-8).

Work k 2, p2 in ribbing for 8".  If you want to put in contrasting stripes to denote different clubs, do so after 4" with knit stitch only.  Work in stripes as desired.  After 8" change to 1 knitted worsted strand and 2 strands of fun fur and knit for 4" (you can try it on the club to see if length is right).  Or continue knitted worsted only.

For the driver, increase 4 more stitches (40 total). At the beginning of 4" of plain knitting.

End with shaping the top.  This adds approx. 1" to length.
Shape top:
K5, K2 together around
K 1 around
K4, K2 tog around
K 1 around
K3, K2 tog around
K1 around
K2, K2 tog around (I stopped here for 3 & 7 woods)
K1, K2 tog around
K2 tog around.  Cut yarn leaving 12" to draw through stitches on needle.

Devise your own method for stripes or:
Driver- work 2" with main color, 3 rounds of contrast color, finish with main color
#3 club-work 1" with main color, 2 rounds of cc, 2 rounds main, 2 rounds of cc, 2 rounds of main, 2 rounds of cc and finish with main color.

HINT: Measure how long you want neck to be on each club when it is in your bag and adjust     accordingly.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

I found a website with Lion Brand Fun Fur at a good price....had to share!

I needed yellow Lion Brand Fun Fur for the project I'm currently working on.  I have been to every local store that carries it...even a few stores in IL when I was there last week.   Then I ran into a web site that not only carries it but it was $2 cheaper than the stores I was looking in!  Well worth the $2.39 shipping I have to pay.  Probably used 5x that much in gas driving around looking for it!  Not to mention that I'm exhausted.  So excited about getting a good deal I just had to post this to give you a link.
I hate having to wait to for it to be delivered but whatca going to do.  Guess I'll have to clean or something lol,  guess it is SPRING.  Although here in Pittsburgh PA you would never know it....was actually snowing this morning.  This summer when it's 90 degrees, I will not complain!  This had to be the longest winter EVER.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Learning to use Double Pointed Needles

I woke up at 2 am this morning and couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to learn how to use double pointed needles.  Seems there are A LOT of different techniques. So many videos on You Tube.

After playing around with different ways to knit on dpn, I like the one in this video.  You cast all the stitches on one needle, then knit them off to the other needles.  Once they are equally divided on the needles, you join by grabbing the tail and knitting in the tail.  Of all the techniques The one in this video at the link below is the easiest for me and it seemed to join the stitches from each needle the best.

Here are the results of my first try at knitting with double pointed needles:
I know exactly what I want to make!  Have to take a little nap (it's now 9:30 am) then go find the perfect yarn.....does the time change affect anyone else this way?  I get so mixed up.  Wish they would leave it alone.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Finished the Bouncing Baby Set....WELL almost.

I finally finished the Bouncing Baby Set, well almost lol.  Just have to make another legging and mitten.  For someone who doesn't know how to use double pointed needles (which is me) to knit booties and mittens this is really a cute pattern to knit.  The seams aren't really that noticeable  and I think it's adorable.  For my first go at it, I don't think I did too bad of a job.  It just reminds me of something my Grandmother might have worn on my Dad.  I've decided that since I don't know anyone with a new born baby to give it to that I'm going to get a pretty box and put things I make in it for my future grandchild.  Either a boy or girl could wear Aqua, right?  Guess I'll have to use more neutral colors.   I followed the pattern for a 3 month old with #3 needles and used Bernat Softee Baby yarn.  Wish I knew a 3 month old to see if it really fits.  My friend's  great niece is 1 year & 3 months and the leggings almost fit her but I guess acrylic stretches.  Thanks Evie for letting me try my knitting on you for size.  I'm going to finish this up and then.......WHAT SHOULD I MAKE NEXT?  
The Bouncing Baby Set is in the Home Spun Hand knit book.  There is a link below. 
 That is the last post you will have to see about this pattern!   LOL.   I just really liked it !

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Still working on the Bouncing Baby Set........

Well, I'm getting better at it but still doing something wrong.  I found another video on You Tube that helped me a lot to identify what stitches to pick up around the tab to form the foot.  It still doesn't look right to me but I'm learning.  Something else I'm learning is the weight of the yarn makes a big difference!  The pattern called for a fingering weight yarn.  According to this chart, that's what I used in my last attempt.  As you can see the results in my previous post....not too good.
The legging above is made on #3 needles with light worsted yarn and it seems so much better and so much easier to work with.  Wish mom was here to help.  There's a local knitting group at the library (wonder if I could get them to help me lol).  Anyway, getting tired of the leggings.....going to move onto the bonnet.  I was kinda wishing the BIG snowstorm they were predicting (TITAN)  was going to snow me in so I would have nothing else to do but knit lol.  They were predicting 12" at first here in PA, then 4-6".  No such luck!  So far we got just 2".  Only 17 more days to spring.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Best knitting advise....RELAX!

As I'm knitting again and find myself tensing up, I remember the best advise my mom gave me.....RELAX VON!   She would tell me  to rest my work on my lap and relax or I would end up being very sore after knitting for hours.   Now that I'm knitting again after 30 years, I find myself thinking of my Mom every time I catch myself being tense. Miss her and wish she was here to ask for help when I get stuck. Also....wish I would have paid more attention!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Bouncing baby set from Homespun handknit

My friend was looking for a pair of booties that would stay on her great niece's feet. I ended up making The Easy Bootie pattern from Lion Brand. Following the pattern for an infant, on a K needle just fit a 1 year old. I made them a little longer and they did stay on. While searching for a pattern I ran across a picture of the Bouncing Baby Set from Homespun Handknit. An internet search found the book on Amazon and Ebay but I NEED IT NOW! Was able to borrow a copy at the local library, ALRIGHT. I don't know anyone with a baby under the age of 1 that it would fit but I HAVE to make it, just awesome. Jean Scorgie form Denver CO derived the cap from a Finnish one belonging to a friend. The knee socks are designed to stay on, they are shaped around the knee. Reminds me of something my Dad might have worn when he was an infant. The pattern calls for a 4 ply Cotten weight fingering yarn for the cap and a similar weight yarn in a Cotten-acrylic blend for the leggings. It's snowing here in PA today, a good day to fool around with this pattern. Only problem is the only yarn I have in that weight is an acrylic fingering yarn from Bernat. Feels like it might be hard to work with, we will see. The gage looks to be similar. I'm not too good with yarn weight and gages. This is exciting! LOL. There are a lot of great patterns in Homespun Handknit that are made on double point needles. Guess I'm going to have to learn how to knit on double point needles next.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Dish Cloth Pattern

Mom's dish cloth pattern: #9 needles ( use Cotten yarn) Cast on 4 stitches Knit 2 rows even K2, yarn over, knit to the end of row Repeat this row over and over until you have 44 stitches Work as follows: K1, K2 together, yarn over, k2 together, knit to the end of the row Repeat this row until you have 4 stitches remaining Knit 2 rows even on the 4 stitches Bind off

Learn How Book

This is the book my Mom gave me when she was teaching me to manipulate knots in the 70's. I keep it right by my side because I'm still learning! Notice it cost 35 cents. Published in 1959 (almost as old as me!)

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Crochet frog hat...ribbit ribbit

My friend,who collects frogs, taught her great niece (who turned 1 in December) to say ribbit ribbit. So when I saw this pattern for a frog hat,I had to make it for her.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Pattern for this head wrap was at ThankYou. It took me awhile to figure it out but I love it!

Knit Moccasins

I have ALOT of this yarn I the pattern at


I have found YouTube to be a wealth of information since mom isn't around to ask questions to anymore.  When I went searching for my needles after so many years I found some yarn....I NEEDED to make SOMETHING!  So I decided to make my dog Jess a sweater (it's been sssoooo cold here in PA). Jess hates it and I overheard my husband laughing about taking a Pitt bull for a walk in a sweater lol.  Doggie sweater tutorial by wool pedia  on you tube (theirs looked a lot better)

30 yrs later....manipulating knots again!

My Aunt saw someone wearing a ruffled scarf and recruited me to make her one. So, after 30 some years I'm crocheting again. I think I made one in every color I could find until I was sick of them!

Here it is....uuuggghhh.!

The Beginning

Can't believe I got this far in creating a blog.  As you can see I'm new to blogging and after 30 some years have started to manipulate knots again.  My mom taught me to knit and crochet and after MANY dishcloths and a few scarves, I managed to make an afghan.  I'll post a pic if I can figure out how to. It's sooo ugly.  I can't remember why I picked those colors!