Thursday, June 12, 2014

Starflower Dishcloth from Knit Picks

The pattern for this dishcloth was fun to figure out.....think that's the reason I like to knit.   You can find it at I had some trouble with row 11 of the edging.  To get row 12 to work, I had to use 6 stitches to bind off and only knit 2 then knit 2 together.  Still have to block it.  It's too pretty to wash dishes with!

So excited to start my next project.  To give my thumb a rest I was looking for something to crochet and I found it at a local bar.  The bartender had on a lace topper that was exactly what I've been looking for.  I CAN MAKE THAT!  Here we go again......

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Rainy day....perfect for starting a new project.

It's so hard to find the time to knit and crochet now that summer is here.  There are so many things I want to try to make.  The osteoarthritis in my thumb flared up from knitting so much over the winter so taking  a little break helped it feel a little better.  I have to figuer out a way to knit without using it so much.  Crocheting doesn't bother it as much as knitting but I prefer the way a knitted project looks compared to one that is crocheted.  So I decided making something small might be a good idea.  
It's going to be a rainy day in the Burgh today so it's the perfect time to get started.
I've been following Knit Picks, they have so many unique dishcloth patterns.  Think I like the Starflower pattern at this link: Knit  It is under their free patterns.
Enough talking about it....time to knit.  I'll let you know how it turns out.