Thursday, July 31, 2014

Not making much progress on the sock project...keep getting distracted.

The weather in Pittsburgh this summer has been so weird, it almost feels like fall is here already.  Feeling like knitting today but can't find the sock I was working on lol.  July 5th (when I started it) seems like it was so long ago.
Took it with me to work on when I went to Niagara Falls with my husband on business.  Turns out there was too many other things to do there than knit.  I don't have much experience at slot machines but decided to try my luck at the casino. The crowd seemed to be all senior citizens so I fit right in.  My husband tells me that when you double your money you should walk away....did I listen?  NO.  Anyway, I was playing this machine and it started playing music, REALLY loud.  It was REALLY noticeable at 8:30 am!  No, I didn't win a lot of money...just free games. The machine locked up and there was no button to push to start the free game, was so embarrassed because I didn't know what to do!  Should I just walk away?  Hell no....I want my free game lol.   Finally, after what seemed like forever, an employee was close by and she told me I had to choose 3 that matched from the flashing graphics at the top of the machine, to see how many free games I won. Whoever was watching the security camera probably got a good laugh.  I'm finally starting to have some fun playing the slot machines.  Is that a good thing?  As long as you break even or WIN.
Back to the distracted again blogging.  I remember getting to the interesting part of making the heel.  Have to go find it so I can make some progress.